Kim Strandli
CG Artist / Freelancer

My Story

In a small, rural parody-town in southern Norway… A town where fire stations burn down, and the official municipal slogan, “2+2=5, at least!”, is changed after the school is declared to be among the nation’s worst at math. A town where you’re expected to love sports, burning stuff, wearing a cap backwards, and have an intimate passion for everything fueled by gasoline. This is where I was born, raised, and somehow developed an interest for digital arts.

My escape from this town has been financed by my short career in stage/theater-backstage work, starting out with grunt-work in the local theater of Arendal city. (Supposedly inspiration behind Arendelle from Disney’s Frozen).
Beginning with small children’s plays about a mole with poo on his head, bigger Ylvis-shows (of “What does the Fox say?”-fame), and leading up to main-stage work for music concerts/festivals with Sting, Will.I.Am and others.

After having finished my bachelor education in Computer Graphics Arts at The Animation Workshop, I've been working as a freelance artist and occasional teacher.
Currently working towards opportunities I can add to this page! If you have any suggestions, feel free to chime in!

Worked With:

MPC Commercials London
Sun Creature ApS
Monkey Tennis Animation Studio
Nordisk Film
The Animation Workshop
Eon Reality


  • Maya
  • ZBrush
  • Mudbox
  • Arnold
  • V-Ray
  • Redshift
  • Substance Painter
  • Foundry Mari
  • Foundry Nuke
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Python / PyQt5
  • TVPaint